Featured Book
This classic series in two omnibus volumes. Top tier historian. Basic subject in history of North America.
Added to Our Treasury of Great Histories
This quarter we highlight two consequential subjects.
The Cold War, despite flaws it is the best television series since Ken Burns’ The Civil War. Videos of the complete series.
Atlantic Slavery Begins. As the Portuguese voyages of discovery under Prince Henry the Navigator sailed further down the west coast of Africa the glories of discoveries was trashed by evil.
In our Thursday Leadership posts, we have been highlighting past quotes from the Democratic and Republican Party candidates that have shown helpful thinking. This election has been so negative; we wanted to show the candidates in a positive light
The term “blog” may be misleading for this site. With more than 1,000 different posts and pages it is more a treasury of great history. Remember, we are dealing with the subject of history, not science. Unless new information comes to light, the great historians of the past produced works as good as those produced today. This means that series we posted years ago are just as good as the latest posts.
We’re improving the navigation of posts within a series. This is a work in progress.
A new policy. Archaic names of places and people are confusing. While we respect author’s words, reader’s needs trump author needs. We have not changed authors’ words in the past but I believe that this new policy will make their works more accessible to a new century of readers.
An old policy. We have been modernizing archaic spelling of words, too.
Implementing these policies are works in process, also. We have to go back to already published posts to make these changes.
Future Plans
We want to produce more original material. We want to produce excerpts from current authors which are copyrighted.
For this funding needs to be provided. Please help. Visit our Donation Page.
Good suggestin. Jack