Brutus and Cassius left Italy in the autumn of B.C. 44 and repaired to the provinces which had been allotted to them, though by Antony's influence the
Archives for 2015
Babylon Attacks the Persians
The Plan: we shall conquer Babylon: for I shall go straightway as a deserter to the wall; and I shall say to them that I suffered this treatment at
Octavius Deserts Cicero and Joins Antony
By its provisions all Caesar's murderers were summoned to take their trial. Of course none of them appeared and they were condemned by
Cicero Speaks Against Antony
Next day Cicero was in his place, but now Antony was absent. The orator arose and addressed the senate in what is called his First
The History Carnival
This is a selection of "best of" blog posts in thefield of history. It has been pumpingout a monthly report for twelve years. Yes,
The Tombstone Gunfight
by Jack Le MoineTime: October 26, 1881, 3 pmPlace: Tombstone, ArizonaCity mapshowing site of gunfight in green; O.K. Corral in
Red Army Soldier Gets 30 Years
Stalin withRed Army soldiers.PublicDomain image from Wikipedia.Sometime in the 1950’s a soldier in the Red Army ran across Red Square in
Antony Seizes Control
From the blazing pyre the crowd rushed, eager for vengeance, to the houses of the conspirators. But all had fled betimes.Continuing Death of Antony
Saint Patrick’s Day, 2015
by Jack Le MoineTime: March 17, 1762Place: New York CityFair use image from a Clip Art collection.With the French and Indian War over, the