In November of 1909 the Finnish Diet was dissolved by a ukase of the Czar. Since then the Russian Government has been passing decree after decree for
Archives for 2014
Power Shifts from Finland’s Government to Russia’s
The attempt to curtail Finnish constitutional liberty has taken different forms. Early in 1908 the Russian Council of Ministers, over which M.
Fabricating a Story
"If you think media manipulation is a recent development in the film industry, have I got a story for you." Thus Film Dirt blog begins this tale of a
Livingstone’s African Discoveries
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: His First Journey.IntroductionAlthough Africa, the second largest
The Leader’s Task
"The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been." - Henry KissingerMore on Henry
Finland’s Constitutional Rights Before World War I
The arbitrary and corrupt Russian bureaucratic regime little by little forced its way into the country, while Finlanders watched with bitter
Siege of Samos
Then Periander, clinging still in affection to the youth, sent to him next his own daughter, the sister of Lycophron, supposing that he would yield to
Columbus Day, 2014
This should not be controversial. Columbus did good and bad things like most people. Since he lived largely, his deeds good and bad were
Russia Begins to Assimilate the Finnish People
The desirable abolition of the customs cordon between the two countries is bound to give a powerful fillip to the growth of commerce, which is the