The religious life of Akbar had undergone a vast change. He was testing religion by morality and reason. His faith in Islam was fading
Archives for 2014
Akbar’s Vizier Abul Fazl
Akbar and his vizier Abul Fazl were certainly men of genius. They are still the bright lights of Indian history."Continuing Akbar Establishes the
Moghul Empire in Trouble
In 1575 Akbar was about thirty-four years of age. Twenty years had passed away since the boy had been installed as padishah."Continuing Akbar
The Seven Years War
This article is a brief summary of the war. Related: Why France Lost the Seven Years War.
More Discoveries on the Beginning of Civilization
Diver investigating the drowned city. Credit: Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archeology (HWTMA)Look here in the blog’s archives for the
War on Poverty is 50 Years Old
This administration today, here and now, declares unconditional war on poverty in America. I urge this Congress and all Americans to join with me in
Akbar Establishes Moghul Empire
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Importance of Religion in the Development of
Calais Falls
Today's installment concludes England Looses Her Last French Territory,our selection from The Popular History of England by Charles Knight published
Battle of St. Quentin
The place was taken by storm, amid horrors which belong to such scenes at all times, but which were doubled by the rapacity of troops who fought even