So Amasis, who was vexed by the power of the Persians and afraid of it, knew neither how to give nor how to refuse: for he was well assured that
Archives for 2014
Becket in France
I therefore decline your tribunal, and refer my quarrel to the decision of the Pope.Continuing Becket's Murder,our selection from History of
The Council Tries Becket
Last part of the Constitutions of Clarendon explained. Becket's subsequent actions.Continuing Becket's Murder,our selection from History of
Where Did Your Chicken Dinner Come From?
Modern Farmer posted an interesting title, "Today We’re Eating the Winners of the 1948 Chicken of Tomorrow Contest". Now how did that happen?
Battle of Panama City
The Governor immediately ordered the cavalry to charge the enemy, and the wild bulls to be at the same time let loose upon them.Continuing
Leaders Are Simplifiers
In 2005 as Secretary of State"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution
The Clergy’s Privileges
The Constitutions of Clarendon explained. Seperation of church and state -- importance of Becket's story thereto.Continuing Becket's Murder,our
The King’s Feud Begins
Conflict between church courts and state courts begins.Continuing Becket's Murder,our selection from History of England, From the First Invasion
The Bishop’s Role in the Church
A review of a history of church law and civil law from Constantine's time to Becket's.Continuing Becket's Murder,our selection from History of