To the cold and relentless ambition of Frederick, to a prince whose heart had withered at thirty, an appeal like this had been made in vain.Today's
Archives for 2014
Marie Theresa to Hungary
"Do not, my lord," said Frederick, "talk to me of magnanimity; a prince ought first to consult his own interests."Continuing Prussia Invades
Interactive Storytelling
The Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793 is just a platform for Books & to interview David Armitage about how to use modern tools to let
The Affair is Over
Today's installment concludes The Massacre of the Mamalukes,our selection from History of the Egyptian Revolution by Andrew A. Paton published in
What 21st. Century Leaders Must Do
"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others." - Bill GatesMore on Bill Gates..Picture (cc) Attribution
Prussia Invades Silesia
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Frederick the Great Versus Maria Theresa.IntroductionWhen Maria
Persia Conquers Egypt
. . . having arrayed his daughter in the clothing of a slave, he sent her forth with a pitcher to fetch water, and with her he sent also other maidens
Treaty of Péronne
Today's installment concludes Burgundy's Zenith,our selection from The Reign of Lewis XI by Paul Ferdinand Willert published in 1876. If you
Leige’s Forlorn Rebellion
"Yes, sire, so safe that if I saw a cross-bow pointed at you I would throw myself before you to shield you from the bolt." Thus spoke Burgundy's Duke