His object was to do in England all, and more than all, that Richelieu was doing in France: to make Charles a monarch as absolute as any on the
Archives for 2014
The King of Ethiopia Disturbs the Persians
The Ethiopian however, perceiving that they had come as spies, spoke to them as follows . . . .Translated by George C. Macaulay -- our special
The Star Chamber Moves into the Reign of Charles I
From all that remains of proceedings in the Star-chamber, they seem to have been very frequently as iniquitous as they were severe.Continuing The
Prior Proceedings of the Star Chamber
What the Star Chamber did. It served the king's authority but was light on legal procedures.Continuing The End of the Star Chamber,with a
Ugliest Churches
Realclear Religion has a feature showing some churches done with poor architectural taste. The selections are aesthetic in nature, not
Chile Captures Lima
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Peru's City.IntroductionThe war of 1879-1883, waged by Chile against
Leadership in the Simplest Terms
"In the simplest terms, a leader is one who knows where he wants to go, and gets up and goes." - John Erskine, authorMore on John Erskine.
The End of the Star Chamber
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: The Star Chamber’s Power in Past Reigns.IntroductionThe English Civil
Persia Invades Africa Beyond Egypt
After this Cambyses planned three several expeditions, one against the Carthaginians, another against the Ammonians, and a third against the