Then Amasis, when he had read the paper which had come from Polycrates, perceived that it was impossible for man to rescue man from the event which
Archives for September 2014
The Roots of Russia Versus Finland
April 24, 1903, was a black day in the history of Finland. It witnessed the inauguration of a reign of terror which, by the ordinance of April 2d and
Russia Absorbs Finland
This series has ten easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Russia Over Finland.Introduction to our series of excerpts selected from
Seasonal Blogging
George Campbell Gosling speculates on his blog why academic blogs are read more during the school year than during the summer and holidays.
Exploring the Universe
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their Big History Series, #2.In which John Green, Hank Green, and Emily Graslie
The Difference Between a Leader and a Boss
Official Presidential Portrait by John Singer Sargent"People ask the difference between a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives."
Iran’s Democracy Ends
Volumes would not contain the bare record of the acts of aggression, deceit, and cruelty which Russian agents have committed against Persian
How Conquerors Should Respect Local Customs
It is clear to me therefore by every kind of proof that Cambyses was mad exceedingly; for otherwise he would not have attempted to deride religious
Coup in Teheran
When the last representative element of the constitutional government, for which so many thousands had fought, suffered, and died, was wiped out in an