This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Frederick the Great Versus Maria Theresa.IntroductionWhen Maria
Archives for August 2014
Persia Conquers Egypt
. . . having arrayed his daughter in the clothing of a slave, he sent her forth with a pitcher to fetch water, and with her he sent also other maidens
Treaty of Péronne
Today's installment concludes Burgundy's Zenith,our selection from The Reign of Lewis XI by Paul Ferdinand Willert published in 1876. If you
Leige’s Forlorn Rebellion
"Yes, sire, so safe that if I saw a cross-bow pointed at you I would throw myself before you to shield you from the bolt." Thus spoke Burgundy's Duke
The Great Debate on the Magna Carta Is on – Still
Both The Social Historian and myself are thrilled that the commentariat are going through one of their cyclical bouts of thinking they Know Stuff
Treacherous Attack
On March 1, 1811, all the principal men of Cairo flocked to the citadel.Continuing The Massacre of the Mamalukes,our selection from History of the
You Cannot Be a Leader Unless . . .
"You cannot be a leader, and ask other people to follow you, unless you know how to follow, too." - Sam RayburnMore on Sam Rayburn.
Burgundy’s Zenith
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: France Versus Burgundy.IntroductionThe Duchy of Burgundy was a major
Persia Captures Memphis
I was witness moreover of a great marvel, being informed of it by the natives of the place; for of the bones scattered about of those who fell in this