Time: July 2, 1863
Place: Little Round
Top, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Top, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

anchored. Confederates attack from the
south, hoping to capture the hill and roll up the Union line. Four regiments defend the hill for the Union. 285 men of
the 20th. Maine
are at the end. If this regiment falls,
then the other three will be hit from flank and rear and fall, too. – And then the rest of the Union line.
After repulsing repeated assaults, the survivors of the 20th.
Maine have no
Maine have no
The Colonel orders the men to fix bayonets. Then the bugler sounds the charge. The 20th. Maine crashes into the oncoming
Confederates. The Confederates fell
back. The Union line held.
Confederates. The Confederates fell
back. The Union line held.
This is a day for remembering the heroism and sacrifices
made by our armed forces. And the lives
paid in reparation for the evils of slavery in that war.
made by our armed forces. And the lives
paid in reparation for the evils of slavery in that war.
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