Today we begin a new year.

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by Jack Le Moine, the Publisher
The backbone of this site is stories of the great events of history as told by great historians. Some are by witnesses. Some by great writers of literature. These are drawn from a the multi-volume Book “Great Events by Famous Historians” selected and edited by Rossiter Johnson; assisted by Charles F. Horne and John Rudd.
We broke the selections down into 5 minute installments for easy reading. Videos, current books, and internet articles (chiefly from Wikipedia) add value to each selection. Below we chose one selection for each month from the many that we published last year to highlight.
February: Russian Serfs Freed
March: Cyrus Begins the Persian Empire
April: Benjamin Franklin Experiments With Electricity
May: The First Railroad
June: Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation
August: The Hanseatic League’s Story
September: Chivalry
October: Discovery of the South Pole
November: Empire of the Franks Splits and Decays
December: The Foundation of Rome
This year we plan on recognizing the major holidays. This will enable us greater flexibility to address and celebrate topics not normally covered using the method above. For example, historical fiction can convey the mood better than straight narrative. We don’t want to combine fiction and non-fiction, hence, adding holidays.
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