These doctrines of antiquity, which had come down hoary with age, and the discovery of which had reawakened learning and quickened intellectual life,
Archives for 2012
Galileo’s Discoveries
This series has six easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: His Birth and Youth.IntroductionWhen the Copernican system of astronomy
The Treaty of Berlin
Today's installment concludes The Berlin Congress of 1878,our selection from The Eastern Question: A Study in Diplomacy by Stephen P.H. Duggan
Ancient Egypt
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, video 4.In which John covers the long, long history of
The Treaty of San Stefano
On the very day that Bismarck took this step, the definitive Treaty of San Stefano was signed.Continuing The Berlin Congress of 1878,our selection
Russia Versus Ottomans War
The Ottoman Porte hastened to solicit the collective mediation of the great Powers.Continuing The Berlin Congress of 1878,our selection from The
Unrest in Bulgaria
The civilized world was horrified at the atrocities as they gradually became known, and England particularly was stirred by the speeches and writings
Young Turks Change Sultan of Ottoman Empire
“Young Turkey,” as the reformers were called, obtained the necessary fetva from the Sheik-ul-Islam, deposed Abdul-Aziz, and placed his nephew, Amurath
The Berlin Congress of 1878
This series has six easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Events Leading up to the Congress.IntroductionBetween 1875 and 1910