Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, #18.In which John Green teaches you the history of the
Archives for 2012
The Early Naval Contests
In these opening assaults Japan gained almost half of the essential points for which she fought.Continuing The Russo-Japanese War,with a selection
Japan Attacks Russia
The die was cast; great Russia was defied; Japan’s very existence as a nation was to be the prize of battle.Continuing The Russo-Japanese War,with
The Russo-Japanese War
This series has ten easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Origins of the War.IntroductionThe centuries-long dominance of Europe in
China Negotiates Peace
Today's installment concludes The Boxer Uprising,the name of our combined selection from Chuan-sen and William A.P. Martin. The concluding
The International Force Arrives
Having heard of the approach of the army of relief, we became more cheerful.Continuing The Boxer Uprising,our selection from The Siege in Peking
The Mongols Video
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, #17.In which John Green teaches you, at long last, about
The People Inside the Embassy
Some spent their days in digging trenches, others inspected latrines in the interest of sanitation.Continuing The Boxer Uprising,our selection
Gun-Fire and Cannon-Fire
As rifle-shots were parried by our high walls, our chief danger was from cannon.Continuing The Boxer Uprising,our selection from The Siege in