We have a cancer within, close to the Presidency that is growing. - John Dean, from the Nixon Transcripts, March 21, 1973 Pictured is
Archives for 2012
15th. Century Explorers
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, #21.In which John Green teaches you about the beginning
The Shah Dismisses the Parliament
Matters came to a crisis in December, 1907, when the Shah attempted to overthrow the Medjliss (Parliament).Continuing Persia's 1907
Persia’s 1907 Revolution
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Causes of the Liberal Growth in Persia.IntroductionAlthough it seems
Alexander Nevsky Surrenders and Saves Russia
Today's installment concludes The Tatars Conquer Russia,our selection from History of Russia by Alfred Rambaud published in 1886. For works
Tatars Form The Golden Horde
The battle of the Neva was preserved in a dramatic legend.Continuing The Tatars Conquer Russia,our selection from History of Russia by Alfred
Art Is Unthinkable Without This
Art is unthinkable without risk and spiritual self-sacrifice. - Boris Pasternak This is the cover of the first edition on Dr. Zhivago
Medieval Russia
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, #20.In which John Green teaches you how Russia evolved
Tatars Ravage Southern Russia
When the princes of Galitch, of Volhynia, and of Kiev arrived as fugitives in Poland and Hungary, Europe was terror-stricken.Continuing The Tatars