Today's installment concludes Absolutism Ends in France,the name of our combined selection from Richard Lodge and Alphonse Lamartine. The concluding
Archives for October 2012
Charles X Leaves Paris
He retained as escort only the bodyguards and the gendarmerie, with six pieces of cannon.Continuing Absolutism Ends in France,our selection from
World War II Video
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, #38.In which John Green teaches you about World War
Charles X Betrayed
Obeyed as a father but impotent and outraged as a king, Charles X, on the breaking up of his council, wrote that letter to the Duke of Orleans which
King Charles Versus Louis Phillip
The King placed such confidence in these treacherous professions that he confirmed the Duke's appointment and thus helped to drive his own supporters
Absolutism Ends in France
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Revolution of 1830.IntroductionAfter Napoleon was finally removed from
Purification of the Church
Today's installment concludes Arnold of Brescia Versus Saint Bernard,our selection from General History of the Christian Religion and Church by
Second Crusade’s Spiritual Impact
The failure of the Second Crusade was a source of great chagrin to Bernard, who had been so active in setting it in motion.Continuing Arnold of
Papal Reforms
Pope Eugene found there, in the abbot Bernard of Clairvaux, a mighty instrument for operating on the minds of the age.Continuing Arnold of Brescia