The King replied, "Is my son dead, unhorsed, or so badly wounded that he cannot support himself?"Continuing Battles that Began The Hundred Years
Archives for July 2012
French Knights’ Fatal Mistake
There is no man -- unless he had been present -- that can imagine or describe truly the confusion of that day; especially the bad management and
They Arrive at Crécy
The army set about furbishing and repairing their armor, and the King gave a supper that evening to the earls and barons of his army, where they made
Battles that Began The 100 Years War
This series has five easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: Naval Battle of Sluys.IntroductionThe sea fight of Sluys began the
Peace in Haiti
Today's installment concludes Revolution in Haiti,our selection from Santo Domingo: Its Revolution and Its Hero by Charles Wyllys Elliott published
Captain Cook’s Voyages
Bringing the best history on the web. -- From Crash Course, their World History Series, #27.In which John Green teaches you about the life and
Toussaint Escapes From the Spanish Camp
The Spaniards are for a moment paralyzed: they pursue him, but neither hoof nor pistol can reach him. Toussaint is not to be caught.Continuing
Toussaint Steps Up
He was equal to the facts of life, however hard, and grappled with them and mastered them as a man should.Continuing Revolution in Haiti,our
Haiti Needs a Leader
Without him all would come to nothing, and the struggle of the blacks would be but a spasm, to end in exhaustion and discouragement; for successful