Obtaining the core tube sample presented some difficulty. It was impossible to force the tube more than 4 or 5 inches into the surface
Archives for 2011
Men Walk on the Moon
The most effective means of walking seemed to be the lope that evolved naturally.Continuing First Men on Moon,our selection from Apollo 11 Mission
Apollo 11 Lands on the Moon
After it became clear that an automatic descent would terminate in a boulder field surrounding a large sharp-rimmed crater, manual control was again
Apollo 11 Descends to the Moon’s Surface
Based on measurements of the line-of-sight rate of landmarks, the estimates of altitudes converged on a predicted altitude of 52 000 feet at
Into Orbit Around the Moon
After suiting, the Lunar Module Pilot entered the lunar module, the drogue and probe were installed, and the hatch was closed.Continuing First Men
First Men on Moon
This series has eight easy 5-minute installments. This first installment: Launch.IntroductionWhat stories in history are as important to human
Flood Control for Babylon
Today's installment concludes The Ancient City of Babylon,our selection from The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient World, Vol. 4 Babylon by
The Great Temple of Belus
Herodotus expressly declares that the temple of Belus and the royal palace were upon opposite sides of the river.Continuing The Ancient City of
The Grand Palace of Nebuchadnezzar
The bricks of that part of the ruin which remains uncovered bear, one and all, the name of this king; and it is thus clear that here stood in ancient