This cry of the general, repeated by the nearest battalions, and taken up successively by the rest, created an immense clamor like the country herself
Archives for 2011
Republican France Defies Europe – 5
On their side the French did not behold without a feeling of dread this immense and hitherto invincible army silently advancing.Continuing Europe's
Republican France Defies Europe – 4
From this height Kellermann saw come in succession, from the white mist of the morning, and glitter in the sunshine, the countless Prussian
Republican France Defies Europe – 3
Defiance was thus cast by forty-five thousand men to one hundred ten thousand soldiers of the coalition.Continuing Europe's First Battle Against
Republican France Defies Europe – 2
The Prince of Hohenlohe requested an interview with Dumouriez that evening, his motive being to judge of the state of the army.Continuing Europe's
Europe’s First Battle Against Republican France
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionIn the battle of Valmy the French, under Dumouriez and Kellermann, repulsed the
Seven Years’ War – 9
Today's installment concludes The Seven Years War,the name of our combined selection by Wolfgang Menzel and Frederick The Great. The concluding
Seven Years’ War – 8
The King supposed, as was very probable, that the troops of Zieten already were in action with the enemy.Continuing The Seven Years War,our
Seven Years’ War – 7
After having maturely examined and weighed all these reasons, it was determined to commit the fortune of Prussia to the issue of a battle,Continuing