It is most probable that no regular account of the knights' fees was ever taken until they became liable to taxation.Continuing Feudalism in France
Archives for April 2011
Feudalism – 3
The actual amount of dispossession was no doubt greatest in the higher ranks; the smaller owners may to a large extent have remained in a mediatized
Feudalism – 2
This was the social system which William the Conqueror and his barons had been accustomed to see at work in France.Continuing Feudalism in France
Feudalism in France and England
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionThat social system--however varying in different times and places--in which
The Third Punic War
Today's installment concludes Rome Versus Carthage,our selection by Florus.If you have journeyed through all of the installments of this series,
Second Punic War 3
These actions the Romans performed in different parts of the world, yet were they unable, notwithstanding, to remove Hannibal, who was lodged in the
The Second Punic War 2
It was afterward not doubted but that Rome might have seen its last day and that Hannibal, within five days, might have feasted in the
Second Punic War 1
The fourth and almost mortal wound of the Roman Empire was at Cannae, an obscure village of Apulia; which, however, became famous by the greatness of
The First Punic War
The first prize taken in the war was the city of Clypea, which juts out from the Carthaginian shore as a fortress or watch-tower.Continuing Rome