Some years were occupied in the complete reduction of Ionia. But when this was effected, Darius ordered his victorious forces to proceed to punish
Archives for 2010
The Battle of Marathon – 7
Fresh fuel was thus added to the anger of Darius against Athens, and the Persian preparations went on with renewed vigor.Continuing The Battle of
The Battle of Marathon – 6
Kings who thus seek the admiration of posterity are little likely to dim the record of their successes by the mention of their occasional
The Battle of Marathon – 5
Asia was the original seat of human societies -- long before any trace can be found of the inhabitants of the rest of the world having emerged from
The Battle of Marathon – 4
Miltiades felt no hesitation, as to the course which the Athenian army ought to pursue; and earnestly did he press his opinion on his brother
The Battle of Marathon – 3
Miltiades determined to rule more securely. On his arrival he kept close within his house, as if he was mourning for his brother.Continuing The
The Battle of Marathon – 2
This generous daring of their weak but true-hearted ally was never forgotten at Athens.Continuing The Battle of Marathon,our selection from Sir
The Battle of Marathon
This series has twelve easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionMarathon! A name to conjure up such visions of glory as few battlefields have ever
Thermopylae – 6
Today's installment concludes The Battle of Thermopylae,our selection by Herodotus.If you have journeyed through all of the installments of this