He, too, went to work and, being an excellent prospector, he was of great service in teaching the newcomers the principles of prospecting and mining
Archives for 2010
Herodotus Book I, Verses 59-66
Peisistratos for the third time obtained possession of Athens, and he firmly rooted his despotism by many foreign mercenaries and by much revenue of
First Miners of California Gold
This is the most precise and is generally considered to be the most correct account of the gold discovery.Continuing Gold Discovered in
Gold Discovered in California
This series has four easy 5 minute installments. This first installment: James W. Marshall Discovvers Gold.IntroductionBefore the time of the
Battle of Guadalete
Today's installment concludes Saracens Invade Spain,our selection from History of the Mahometan Dynasties in Spain by Abu-l-'Abbas Ahmad ibn
Tarik’s Speech to the Muslim Army
Roderic arrived on the banks of the Guadalete with a formidable army, which most historians compute at one hundred thousand cavalry.Continuing
Goths Betrayal of Spain
No sooner did Tarik set his foot in Andalusia than he was attacked by a Goth named Tudmir (Theodomir), to whom Roderic had entrusted the defense of
History Carnival 2/10
This month's History Carnival is up - and yes, we're in it! Check it out.
Herodotus Book I, Verses 47-58
Flee and stay not, and be not ashamed to be called a coward."Translated by George C. Macaulay -- our special project presenting the complete