Today's installment concludes Nero Persecutes the Christians,our selection by Frederic William Farrar.If you have journeyed through all of the
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Nero Persecutes the Christians – 4
The specific atrocity of such spectacles -- unknown to the earlier ages which they called barbarous -- was due to the cold-blooded selfishness, the
Herodotus Book II, Verses 64-76
Describing daily life in ancient Egypt. Places and customs Herodotus observed first-hand.Translated by George C. Macaulay -- our special project
Nero Persecutes the Christians – 3
And, indeed, when once the Christians were pointed out to the popular vengeance, many reasons would be adduced to prove their connection with the
Nero Persecutes the Christians – 2
But the haughty historian throws no light on one difficulty -- namely, the circumstances which led to the Christians being thus singled
Nero Persecutes the Christians
This series has easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionDown to the reign of Nero Christians in the Roman Empire were regarded by the ruling
Peace of Constance – 4
Today's installment concludes The Peace Of Constance Secures The Liberties Of The Lombard Cities,our selection by Ernest F. Henderson.If you
Prehistoric Beginnings
Blogging Will Durant’s History of CivilizationImmense volumes have been written to expound our knowledge, and conceal our ignorance of primitive
Peace of Constance – 3
When, on various occasions, conspiracies were formed against Henry by other Saxon nobles, the Emperor had boldly and successfully taken his