To preserve the existence of their nation one other way presented itself.Continuing The Jews' Final Revolt Against Rome,our selection from Charles
Archives for 2010
The Jews’ Final Revolt Against Rome
This series has three easy 5 minute installments. IntroductionThe successful revolt of the Maccabees against the bloody persecutions of the
Columbus Discovers South America – 5
Today's installment concludes Columbus Discovers South America,our selection by Clements Robert Markham.If you have journeyed through all of the
Herodotus Book II, Verses 121-123
The Pharaoh entered the treasury and, seeing the body of the thief held in the trap without his head, and the chamber unbroken, with no way to come in
Columbus Discovers South America – 4
An insurrection broke out in the Vega Real, headed by the chief Guarionex, who, after suffering innumerable wrongs from the Spaniards, was at last
Columbus Discovers South America – 3
Thinking that a long and rapid course was insufficient to account for the volume of water and the violence of the currents, he conceived the idea that
Columbus Discovers South America – 2
He therefore detached one ship and two caravels from Gomera to make the voyage direct.Continuing Columbus Discovers South America,our selection
Columbus Discovers South America
This series has five easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionChristopher Columbus made four voyages of discovery. His career was checkered by
Saladin Takes Jerusalem From the Christians – 5
Today's installment concludes Saladin Takes Jerusalem From the Christians,our selection by Sir George W. Cox.If you have journeyed through all