The first intimation the Regent received of this conspiracy of the nobles was given by the Count of Megen soon after his return to the
Archives for 2010
The Netherlands Revolts Against Spain – 4
To swell the league as speedily as possible, each of the confederates assembled all his friends, relations, adherents and retainers.Continuing The
The Netherlands Revolts Against Spain – 3
If ever a political crisis was favorable to an attempt at revolution, it was the present.Continuing The Netherlands Revolts Against Spain,our
The Netherlands Revolts Against Spain – 2
Up to this point the general peace had, it appears, been the sincere wish of the Prince of Orange,Continuing The Netherlands Revolts Against
Herodotus Book II, Verses 162-173
Now of the Egyptians there are seven classes, and of these one class is called that of the priests, and another that of the warriors, while the others
The Netherlands Revolts Against Spain
This series has seven easy 5 minute installments.IntroductionDuring the later medieval and early modern periods, European states and provinces
Wellington’s Peninsular Campaign – 4
Today's installment concludes Wellington's Peninsular Campaign,our selection by John Richard Green.If you have journeyed through all of the
Wellington’s Peninsular Campaign – 3
During the earlier years of the war, indeed, the increase of wealth had been enormous. England was sole mistress of the seas.Continuing Wellington's
Wellington’s Peninsular Campaign – 2
“Portugal,” Wellesley wrote coolly, “may be defended against any force which the French can bring against it.”Continuing Wellington's Peninsular